Unless stated otherwise, all contents of this site are copyright © and remains the property of the Dock Amateur Football Club. All images supplied are done so with the explicit intention that they are for the exclusive use on this website (dockafc.co.uk), except where permission to use them elsewhere is sought and granted in writing by the administrators of this website or the committee members of the Dock Amateur Footbal Club, except where they have established an alternative means of distribution or use. All written contents remains at all times the property of the Dock Amateur Football Club and shall not be published or distributed except on this website. All other rights are reserved and may be enforced at any time at the discretion of the site administrators, the committee members of the Dock Amateur Football Club or their legal agents.

The design used on this site has been created by David Anderson and remains the property of David Anderson at all times. David Anderson retains exclusive ownership of the copyright for the design, and design elements, including all original graphics used in the design along with the code used to produce the design (not limited to the combination of markup and CSS used). David Anderson grants the Dock Amateur Football Club a non-exclusive licence to use the design solely on this website (dockafc.co.uk). At no time may any person or group grant permission to use the design elsewhere without the express written consent of David Anderson or his agents. All rights are reserved.

The software used on this website is WordPress, an open source CMS licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.