Certain sections or features of this site may require users to supply personal information, at no time will this information be used and/or distributed by the Dock FC or any of their agents beyond the reasonable use required by this site in order to permit certain features to work, and as such their sole use is to enhance the user experience. At this time these features include:

  1. access to the administration section of the site which requires a member account to be created – members of the administration section must supply a full name and a valid email address, at no time will either be used or distributed for commercial gain, and will be used solely for the purposes of account creation, administration and for contact purposes via this site.
  2. use of the mailforms contained on this site. Visitors who use the mailforms to contact the site administrators are required to enter a valid email address, and may also be required to enter their name. This information is required to enable the recipients of messages to be able to identify the sender(s) and to permit them to provide a response. Any visitor that does not wish to disclose this information must not use the mailforms. Responsibility and/or liability for their use remains with the sender.
  3. use of the comment forms. In order to use the comment forms associated with the news posts on this site a valid email address and name (a nickname is permitted) is required. Whilst the name used will be published along with the comment the email address will only be made known to the site administrators and used to identify the sender in order to determine the legitimacy of the comment (such as to prevent spam) as well as allowing repeat commenters to be remembered. Names and email addresses will be stored in a database along with the comment content, this is necessary to allow the comment to be published. As with use of the email forms, if you don’t agree with this usage it’s your responsibility not to use the forms.
  4. Cookies: Certain sections of this site may require a visitor to permit a small file, called a cookie, to be saved to their hard drive. These cookies are used solely to permit login to sections of the site, to save login details, and/or to save user preferences where options are provided. At no time will cookies created by this site be used by the administrators of this site to obtain personally identifiable information about visitors to this site – their sole purpose is to enhance the user experience.

At no time will personally identifiable information of this site’s visitors be made available to the site administrators except where provided by the visitors themselves.